Cory Ferguson

I am a second generation tattooer with over 30 years in the industry. I have been tattooing full time for 25 years with most of that time focused on geometric and dotwork tattoos which I introduced to North America in the early 2000’s. I am also the co creator of Geometrica - a drawing app created for tattooers, and Tattoo Print System an app that helps tattooers get designs ready for stenciling and print them at any size.

A tattooers stencil or freehand drawing is the blue print that we work from. And the challenge of getting them on the body can be as unique and difficult as the tattoos themselves, sometimes even more so. The more tools you have in your toolbox, the better chance you have when problem solving your way through difficult stencil sessions. I have made a career of tattooing designs that are an absolute nightmare to get on the body before the tattooing can even begin. Over the last 25 years I have collected and developed a wealth of great tips and tricks and I want to share them all with you. We will touch on the tools, technology and even psychology I’ve used to help me get difficult designs onto the skin and ready for tattooing.